2021-2022 MEA Scholarship Winners
Congratulations to the 2021-2022 MEA Scholarship winners:
Kayla Carizey, daughter of Robert Carizey (6th Grade Social Studies Teacher at Wilson)
Emma Olson, daughter of Dan Olson (8th Grade Science Teacher at Wilson).
Kayla plans to attend Loyola in Chicago to study elementary education.
Emma plans to attend Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville to study a STEM major and participate in the Air Force ROTC program with hopes to become a pilot.
Good luck to these fine young ladies as they enter the next phases of their lives!
Want to learn more about previous MEA Scholarship Winners? Click here: MEA Scholarship Winners.
Are you an MEA member with a senior graduating at the end of the 2022-2023 school year? Check back next spring for details about next year’s scholarship!
Questions? Contact:
Kim Anderson, MEA Public Relations Chairperson
Susan Hafner, MEA President

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