Archive for the 'Good News' Category

The 2020 Share Joys Donut Eating Contest – Principal Style


On December 4, 2020 at 4 pm, various principals from around the district will compete in a virtual donut eating contest with all proceeds benefiting Share Joys. You are invited to join the fun and watch virtually to see which principal will take the donut-eating crown by eating the most donuts in 4 minutes!

Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:

Please click this URL to join.
Webinar ID: 869 9313 0087

If you would like to make a donation to Share Joys, you can donate on behalf of your principal or school using the link below.  Add the school or principal’s name in the comment box.

Questions? Please email

Share Joys 2020 ~ Together Apart, Put Share Joys in Your Heart! 

Published in: Good News | on December 3rd, 2020 | No Comments »

The 2020 Share Joys Fundraiser Needs your Help!

Attention to all who care about our Moline K-12 students as we do …

The 2020 Share Joys Fundraiser needs your help! This fundraiser allows us to clothe Moline District #40 K-12 students in need, just in time for the holidays. Unfortunately, because of the pandemic, many of the traditional aspects of this fundraiser (ex. the donut eating contest, cafeteria treats, NHS ‘elf’ treats, classroom activities etc.) will not be happening this year. Despite this, the need is greater than ever! So, we make direct appeal instead … please consider donating whatever you can spare to this link

On behalf of our students, we thank you for your generosity!

Questions? Contact:

Kim Anderson, MEA Public Relations Chairperson


Susan Hafner, MEA President

Published in: Good News | on November 12th, 2020 | No Comments »

MEA Social Committee Hosts Monthly Drawings for AR Meeting Attendees

Hello MEA!

MEA Social Committee will be drawing 5 names from every AR meeting. If you are present for the drawing, you will win a gift card, either from Teachers Pay Teachers or a local business. We thought this would be a nice incentive for AR meeting attendance, as well as a way to support our local businesses, since we won’t be having our quarterly socials this year! 🙂

Our winners for the first AR meeting are:

Christine Chuich
Ellen Garcia
Alina Schafman
Cheryl Rasche
Miranda Wells

Your TPT gift cards will be in the mail.

Congratulations and thank you so much for your involvement!

Tina Ferreri
Aubree Krol

Published in: Good News, MEA Social Committee | on October 16th, 2020 | No Comments »

September 2020 Moline District #40 Why Moline winners

Congratulations to the September 2020 Moline District #40 Why Moline winners!

Alexa Harris, Teacher, Roosevelt Elementary
Ellen Garcia, Teacher, Moline High School
Kim Nelson, Coordinator of Nursing Services, Roosevelt Elementary
Heather Roseman, CHI, Butterworth Elementary
Special thanks to our community partner, Jersey Mike’s Subs for donating lunch certificates for the winners!
Questions? Contact:

Kim Anderson, MEA Public Relations Chairperson


Susan Hafner, MEA President

Published in: Good News, Why Moline Awards | on October 2nd, 2020 | No Comments »

2019-2020 MEA Scholarship Winners

Congratulations to the 2019-2020 MEA Scholarship winners:

Briana Castro, daughter of MEA member, Jose Castro, and Caitlin DeBlaey, daughter of MEA member, Tara DeBlaey!

Briana Castro graduated from Moline High School and will be attending Augustana College, majoring in choral music education.

Caitlyn DeBlaey graduated from Alleman High School and will be attending University of Iowa, majoring in human physiology.

Good luck to these fine young ladies as they enter the next phases of their lives!

Are you an MEA member with a senior graduating at the end of the 2020-2021 school year? Check back next spring for details about next year’s scholarship!

Questions? Contact:

Kim Anderson, MEA Public Relations Chairperson


Susan Hafner, MEA President

Published in: Good News, MEA Scholarship | on September 13th, 2020 | No Comments »

2019-2020 Moline District #40 Retirees

Congratulations to ALL 2019-2020 retirees!

Thank you for your service! It’s been a joy to work with you! Enjoy your well-earned retirement! 🙂

2019-2020 retirement list staff view

Questions? Contact:

Kim Anderson, MEA Public Relations Chairperson


Susan Hafner, MEA President

Published in: Good News, MD#40 Retirees | on September 13th, 2020 | No Comments »